
It may sound daunting, but creating a drainage plan for your yard isn’t as complicated as it sounds. In fact, the process is quite simple if you start with the right approach. If your yard has zero drainage, then the key is to work backwards and start at the bottom—in other words, start at the end of your system and work your way back up. Doing so will ensure that any new problems are minimized and that you don’t waste time or money on unneeded projects. Read on to learn how to create a drainage plan for your yard!

Step 1 – Evaluate Your Yard: Before you do anything else, take a few moments to evaluate what kind of drainage solution works best for you. Consider how much water needs to be diverted away from your home, if there are any existing drains in place or if rainwater flows naturally down an incline in the direction of where you want it to go, etc. Knowing this information ahead of time will help make the process less overwhelming and will save you time in the long run.

Step 2 – Choose Your Drainage System: Once you have evaluated your yard and determined what kind of system works best for you, it’s time to choose which type of system you want to install. There are several types available such as trench drains, French drains, dry wells, sump pumps, etc., so do some research and find out which one would work best for you based on cost effectiveness and installation requirements.

Step 3 – Get Started Installing Your System: With all of the required materials collected (and possibly rented), it’s time to get started installing your system! Be sure to follow directions closely and ask questions when needed; having a professional install a more complex system may be worth considering depending on your level of experience with plumbing projects.

Creating a drainage plan doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive; with just a bit of research and planning beforehand, anyone can create an effective drainage plan for their home’s yard or garden area. Start by evaluating what kind of solution works best for your specific situation before choosing which type of system is most suitable—then get started installing! Following these steps will help make sure that no matter what type of system you install—be it French drain systems or sump pumps—you can rest assured that it will be effective in diverting water away from areas prone to flooding in order to protect both your property and family. Good luck!