
Are you about to start a home improvement project that requires you to dig? Or maybe you’re just thinking about planting a tree in your yard. Either way, before you start digging the first spadeful of soil, it’s important that you take the time to check for underground utility lines. With this guide, website owners and DIYers alike will learn why it’s critical that they check for underground lines before they get started on their projects.

Why Checking is Important

Whether you consider yourself a novice or an expert in DIY projects, it’s essential that you always check for underground utility lines before beginning any project that involves digging. If you don’t, there is a real danger of striking and damaging a gas line or electric cable. This can cause serious injury or death as well as costly property damage. So even though checking might seem like an extra step, it’s one worth taking in order to keep yourself and your property safe from harm.

How to Check

Fortunately, checking for underground lines is not only easy but often free as well. Most states have laws requiring utilities providers to mark the locations of all their lines free of charge upon request. All you have to do is contact either your local gas company or electric company and ask them to come out and mark the locations of their respective lines on your property. Once they’ve marked these locations with paint or flags, give them a wide berth when digging so as not to disturb their lines.

To make sure that your contractor doesn’t accidentally hit any unmarked gas pipes (yes, this does happen!), assume the pipe is half again as shallow as standard — meaning if it should normally be buried at eight inches deep, assume it’s only five inches deep instead! This may sound silly but with all of the different contractors who work near our homes each year its better safe than sorry!

Whether you’re renovating your home yourself or hiring a contractor to do the job for you, checking for underground utility lines should always be done before breaking ground on any project involving digging. While checking might seem like an extra step in an already busy schedule, remember that safety comes first when working around gas and electric cables – so don’t forget! By taking these steps now, website owners and DIYers alike can reduce their chances of having an accident while completing their next project around the home or office building.